How does central heating work?

How does central heating work?

Air conditioning may be the top priority for Australians when it comes to temperature control options, but central heating (also known as ducted healing) is becoming increasingly popular, especially in South Australia, where the evening temperature can hover at around 5C during the winter. Statistics show 77% of dwellings across all of Australia use some kind of heating, and nearly 45% use a heater for between three and six months.

Central heating comes in several forms, most typically a gas driven heater or a reverse cycle air conditioning system. The essential elements of a central heating system are a gas heater or reverse cycle air conditioning unit, a network of insulated ducts either in the ceiling or floor cavities, vents to circulate the air into various rooms and a programmable control panel (also known as a thermostat) to set the temperature and manage airflow.

Benefits of Central Heating

One of the biggest benefits of having a central heating system is that it sends heat from one room to multiple rooms, and can also offer the option of choosing which specific rooms should be heated. Known as zoning, this convenient and flexible feature allows the homeowner to divide different sections in the home for different levels of heating. Furthermore, central heating is an affordable and efficient way to heat a home, and can be retrofitted after initial home construction.

How It Works

So how does central heating work? The process works by using natural gas or liquefied petroleum to power a central gas heater, which are usually installed outside a house but can also be installed under flooring or other permanent fixtures with relative ease. The unit draws in cold air from inside your home with a fan and then pushes the cold air over a heat exchange, which uses a process known as gas combustion to warm up the air.

Equal Heat Distribution

The next step is to distribute the warm air throughout the home. The central heating system pushes the warm air through an intricate network of ducts which connect to vents and registers throughout the home. One of the best aspects of central heating systems is that the ducts and outlets are strategically placed in the most unobtrusive places in the home, usually in the ceiling or floor, to keep the system out of sight and out of mind.

Convenient Operation

As the vents circulate the warm air throughout the home, a return air grille dispenses air back to the furnace, and the process is continually repeated. This ensures the homeowner can depend on reliable, efficient and effective home heating in South Australia winters. Controller monitors synchronized with the thermostat can make sure the temperature stay consistent, and also switch off the heater unit when the home reaches the ideal temperature.

Multiple Temperature Zones

Central air heating systems are useful for smaller spaces or homes that have areas that aren’t utilized as much, such as the basement. Having the option to set multiple temperature zones is a great way to save money and is also good for the environment. Thermostats are generally fitted in a convenient location and are intuitive to use. Homeowners also have the option of setting a particular window of time for the heating to take place.

Lower Heating Bills

Central air heating is a worthwhile consideration for any homeowner because it can save you significant costs when compared to other heating systems, due to the option to set multiple temperature zones, which saves on bills in the long run. Even if your home is already constructed, gas heaters can often be installed on the roof space, outside the home or under the house. This makes them an affordable, practical and prudent option for homeowners looking for year-round comfort.