What is the most efficient central heating system for your home?

What is the most efficient central heating system for your home?

Did you know Australia is set to experience its coldest winter in recorded history this year? David Taylor, who runs the East Coast Weather Facebook page and has correctly predicted major weather events in the past, predicts huge swathes of the country will experience icy conditions that haven’t been seen in decades. In particular, South Australia and southeastern Queensland are expected to see the most balmy temperatures.

If you live in either of those states, or simply don’t want to gamble on whether you’ll be staying cozy this winter, you may be one of an increasing number of Australians who are considering installing central heating systems in their home. If that’s the case, you’ll want to take into consideration the size of your home, the height of your ceilings and how many windows you have in your home. All of these factors play a role in heat loss and will determine what the most efficient and effective central heating option is for you.

Ducted Gas Heating

Ducted gas heating is the most common central heating system and involves a central gas heater usually installed in the roof space or outside the home. The gas heater is then connected to a network of ducts and outlets that distribute the warm air throughout the home. One of the biggest benefits with these systems is they allow for the homeowner to control different temperature zones of the home, sending warm air to an entire level or a specific room. This helps significantly reduce energy bills. Furthermore, ducted gas heating systems allow for a range of affordability with a scale of central gas heaters that come with different energy star ratings, depending on the homeowner’s priorities.

Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning

Another option that is both flexible and extremely environmentally-friendly is Ducted Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning. This system is great for versatility because they are multifunctional – they absorb heat from outdoors to create warm air inside in the winter, and absorb heat from inside and send it outdoors in the summer.

Ducted Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning systems are highly energy efficient and produce only ⅓ of the greenhouse gas emissions generated by conventional electrical heaters. This makes them a great option for open space areas that need a constant source of warm air. They are a sensible option because they are effectively a heater and air conditioner in one. Air conditioners also bring the benefit of air-purifying systems incorporated within the system, which can help lead to better health for the family. The only thing to keep in mind is installation is usually higher than other options, but it’s a long-term solution for both heating and air conditioning, and there also has to be suitable space for the unit to be installed in one location. A Ducted Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning system hides the entire unit in one place, with only the vents visible are in the home.

Split System Air Conditioner

In contrast, homeowners also have the option of a split system, which has one part of the system (usually the condenser) located outside the home, usually on a wall, while the rest of the system is located inside the home. The benefits of a split system are that it’s generally cheaper to buy and install, can be installed in one part of the home at a time, and is significantly quieter than other systems because the condenser (the loudest piece of machinery) is located outside. A split system is also the best option for apartments and double-storey homes, because installing ducts on small properties can be prohibitively expensive or even impossible.

Gas Wall Heaters

Pyrox wall gas heaters are an effective solution for those who are looking to heat up their home on a budget, especially if they live in a compact space. Pyrox wall gas heaters are created to bring warmth at floor level, and come in two different sizes to adequately heat small or large rooms. They generate a surprising amount of heat without taking up any space on the floor. Wall gas heaters are a good affordable alternative to electric wall heaters, and don’t need any extra ventilation. They usually start working very quickly, making them a good option for bathrooms. They’re a good consideration for someone in need of supplementary heating, because they offer the option of heating up a room you’re using instead of the whole home.

No matter what option is best for your home, here at Mannix we have the knowledge, expertise and due diligence to make your dream of year-round comfort a reality. If you’re not sure what option is best for you, give us a call, send us an email or come in and talk to us – we promise it will be a breeze.