A Look At Solar Power In Action

Solar power is a powerful new industry that is set to grow exponentially. A ground breaking new study by SolarPower Europe is making an astonishing prediction showing just that: the industry group has a new report showing that globally solar power demand is slated to grow by 100 gigawatts for this year. That’s a 30 percent increase from 2016. Solar power is for real and it’s poised to become the defining energy force of the future. Here at Mannix we follow the market and technological innovations and we know that we’re in an industry with a brilliant future. You can become a part of that brilliant and sustainable future when you make the decision to go solar.

SolarPower Europe is a world leader solar industry association and published the report on annual global solar demand recently. This will be the largest demand ever reached. In 2016 approximately 76.6 gigawatts of solar energy were needed, this year that number should hit 100. This isn’t the first time 2017 has been predicted to end up as the best year yet for solar energy demand, but it’s increasingly clear that it’s coming true. In July GTM Research also predicted that global demand would exceed 80 gigawatts, while EnergyTrend also said it expects global demand to go past 100 gigawatts due in part to surging demand for solar energy in China.

Solar Power Europe’s prediction estimates that China alone has already put in almost 42 gigawatts of solar projects in just the first three-quarters of this year and altogether will put in 50 gigawatts by the end of the year. In 2016 China put in 34.5 gigawatts, so this year’s estimated 50 is a massive 45% growth in demand. With its booming economy and massive global market share, the growing prevalence of solar power in China means it is a technology that’s only going to grow. Europe and Japan are both estimated to add 7.5 gigawatts this year. The US is currently using around 12 gigawatts and India uses around 10, however, so there is still massive demand to be filled once fossil fuels begin to decline and the threat of climate change gains policy traction in the United States.

Solar power is the fastest-growing energy technology in Europe and it’s gaining enormous ground in Australia as well. In fact, in south Australia for example, rooftop solar panels provide a staggering 48% of all electricity to citizens. The demand from the conventional energy grid is expected to fall to zero by 2030 in south Australia because of how many people are making effective use of solar energy. It’s a very positive sign. Down the road in the future, policymakers are suggesting that up to 40% of Australia’s total power supply could come from solar power. That’s big numbers! In March of this year alone, 91 megawatts of solar power were installed across Australia, and blackouts and electricity prices make it an increasingly attractive option. Installations have been way up in South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales. “We’re seeing the uptake occur in states which weren’t affected by those blackouts as well, so it really is people being aware that solar panels are a great way to beat rising electricity bills,” explained solar industry insider Warwick Johnston.

At the end of the day, there’s no doubt that solar power is the energy system of the future! We invite you to stop on by to Mannix at one of our nine convenient locations or contact us to find out more.